Today we honor the memory of the heroes of 9.11.2001, along with the selfless heroes over the past 13 years who have been fighting for our freedom.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001, is a day that will never be forgotten. It is our hope that everyone remembers that day and that we do stand united as one. With our efforts with 93 cents for Flight 93, we have worked throughout the years to bring the stories of Flight 93 to light and to impact those who have never heard the stories. We rejoice in the memories that we have of each one of the 40 heroes of Flight 93.

We also are thinking of those who lost their lives not only on Flight 93 but all involved with the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

We invite you to join us at Queen of Heaven Church at 7:00 PM EST, in Uniontown, Ohio for their 9.11 commemorative service. The HALO Foundation will be one of the 4 speakers.

See the article here.

God Bless you and God Bless America.